How To Redeem A RedShelf Access Code

Depending on your course, you may be able to buy digital materials at your college’s bookstore.

To find a RedShelf eBook or courseware in the bookstore:


What is a RedShelf Access Code?

A RedShelf Access Code is the code the you redeem on RedShelf’s website to access your materials. You can find your RedShelf Access Code on your receipt from the bookstore .

What does my RedShelf Access Code look like?

It is a 16-digit code with capital letters and numbers (alphanumeric). If your code isn’t alphanumeric, it may be a Publisher Access Code or a code for another vendor.

Where will I find my RedShelf Access Code?

Depending on your bookstore's POS (Point of Sale) system, there are two ways to find your RedShelf Access Code

On your receipt : The RedShelf Access Code is n e xt to your purchase . In this example, the RedShelf Access Code (“PIN”) is next to the line item and under the price:


Through a URL on the bottom of your receipt: The instructions on the bottom of your receipt contain a unique URL that hosts your RedShelf Access Code.


If you can't find your RedShelf Access Code on your receipt or a URL , contact our team and attach a full, edge-to-edge picture of your receipt.

How do I redeem my RedShelf Access Code?


New to RedShelf or forgot your password? Create an account or reset your password .





How do I redeem my Publisher Access Code?


If you have problems redeeming your Publisher Access Code, please contact the publisher:

RedShelf only provides access to the Publisher Access Code. We can’t troubleshoot access to the publisher’s platform.

If you run into issues or have any questions about the process, let us know and we will be happy to help!